Command Line Tool

You can get our packaged binaries of data tool for advanced users (64 bit).
You don't need to have Node.js to use it!
Follow these instructions to start using the tool.

   macos    linux    windows

MSI Installers:

   64-bit    32-bit

You also can install it via NPM:

npm install -g data-cli

Find out more about publishing data here.

Our publishing app

Our data app is the recommended way to put data on the DataHub and use its services.
You can preview showcase for your data, validate it and publish to DataHub.


MacOS only, other OS are coming.

Drag and drop your data

Just drop a file into the tray menu.

Get a showcase

Preview a showcase for your file, validate everything is looking good.


Finally, just hit the "publish" button!

Find out more about data app here.
Getting started is absolutely free! For full pricing information visit this page.